The 4 Things You Must Do If You Were Wrongfully Terminated

In the state of California, you cannot be fired for:

  1. A protected characteristic, such as your race, sexual orientation, or gender, among many others.
  2. A situation in which you filed a complaint within the company.
  3. A request to take time off for sickness or use your maternity leave’ among other situations.
  4. A reason that is not covered within your employment contract.

If you are fired for any of the above, then you may have been wrongfully terminated. And, if you have been wrongfully terminated, you can file a lawsuit to obtain justice for this wrongful termination.

Going over the four things you must do if you were wrongfully terminated and speaking with a Northern California employment attorney who can help you will make it easier for you to obtain the best possible legal outcome.

01: Look Over Your Employment Contract

If you are an employee, then, at some point in time, you have signed an employment contract. And, within this employment contract, you can find the terms and conditions of your employment.

You can look over this employment contract and find anything that suggests your termination was wrongful. This could be a term stipulating when you can be fired, among many other possibilities.

Even if you don’t find anything within this employment contract, you should keep it on hand to use when you file a lawsuit.

02: Document Your Termination

If your termination came with paperwork, you should keep those documents. You should also keep any other documentation that you feel may be connected to your termination.

For example, if you filed a sexual harassment complaint with Human Resources and suspect that this complaint led to your firing, you should see if you still have that complaint.

You should also hold onto any other relevant documentation from your work. This can include work emails and reports related to your performance, among many others.

All of the above will make it easier for you to obtain the best possible legal outcome in the event that you file a wrongful termination lawsuit.

03: File A Complaint

If you believe you were terminated as retaliation for exercising your legal rights – filing a sexual harassment claim, for example – or for a protected characteristic, you can file a complaint with the CRD or EEOC.

The Civil Rights Department and/or the EEOC – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – will look at your complaint. By doing so, they will assess whether or not your termination was wrongful, allowing you to obtain the outcome you deserve.

04: Speak With An Attorney

If you would like to get your job back, the wages you lost, and/or monetary damages, you must speak with an attorney who can help you.

By speaking with an employment law attorney, you can figure out whether you were wrongfully terminated. If you were, you could work with them to obtain the ideal legal outcome.

Speak With A Northern California Employment Law Attorney Today

If you were wrongfully terminated, you need to obtain legal help. Speak with a Northern California employment litigation attorney at Maire & Deedon today, and we will help you obtain the outcome you want.