If Someone Runs You Off The Road In California, What Should You Do?

Out of all the car accidents that can happen, being run off the road is both one of the most dangerous and one of the most unsettling.

Right after you are run off the road, there are several things you must do. Going over these things, doing them, and then speaking with a California car accident lawyer at Maire & Deedon will help you with obtaining compensation for losses you suffered after your accident.

What Does It Mean To Be “Run Off The Road?”

To be “run off the road” means to be pushed off the road by another vehicle.

Just as an example, if you are driving on the road and another driver hits you repeatedly, forcing you off of the road and onto the sidewalk or into a patch of grass, then you have been run off the road.

Sometimes, though, being run off the road refers to a situation in which a driver entered the lane you were driving in an unsafe manner, forcing you to go off the road.

No matter the specifics of the situation, being run off the road is considered a car accident, and, as such, you are entitled to compensation from the individual who caused the accident.

If Someone Runs You Off The Road In California, What Should You Do?

If someone runs you off the road, then there are several things you must do. Going over these things and doing them will make it much easier for you to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

Contact Law Enforcement

Right after you have been run off the road, you must contact law enforcement. And, while you do so, it is of the utmost importance that you relay every single detail you can remember about the accident, the car, and the driver.

Even the smallest pieces of information will assist law enforcement in conducting an investigation and finding the driver who was responsible for running you off the road.

Gather Evidence

Anyone who was at the scene of your car accident may have valuable information about the driver. You must speak with the people who were at the scene and acquire this information.

A failure to speak with the witnesses at the scene will make it more difficult for you to build an effective case regarding the accident you have experienced.

Outside of speaking with witnesses, you must also gather evidence from the scene. Some of the best ways to do this include taking photos and videos of your vehicle, property damage, and the scene itself.

Seek Medical Care

No matter the specifics of the accident, you must seek medical care as soon as possible. This is true, even if you don’t think that you have been injured.

Sometimes, a car accident leads to injuries that don’t reveal themselves until weeks or even months later. Just to make sure you’re okay – or to attend to injuries that have already occurred – you must seek medical care.

Speak With A California Automobile Accident Lawyer

Right after you do the three things outlined above, you must speak with a California automobile accident lawyer at Maire & Deedon. We will help you obtain the compensation you are entitled to.