Conditions That Can Force A Personal Injury Case To Go To Trial
The Conditions That Can Force A Personal Injury Case To Go To Trial
A variety of different conditions can force a personal injury case to go to trial, thereby making it more difficult for you to obtain the compensation you deserve.
Going over the conditions that can force a personal injury case to go to trial and speaking with a Redding, CA, personal injury attorney will allow you to obtain the compensation you deserve.
Can A Personal Injury Case Go To Trial?
The answer to the question outlined above is “Yes.”
A personal injury case can go to trial. And, if a personal injury case does go to trial, it can be considerably more challenging for you to obtain the compensation you deserve.
Outside of the above, there is one more thing to note: it isn’t very common for personal injury cases to go to trial. If you have good legal representation, then it’s very unlikely your case will go to trial.
Even so, though, a personal injury case can go to trial, if certain conditions are present. And, for this very reason, you must be prepared to manage and prevent this from happening.
What Are The Conditions That Can Force A Personal Injury Case To Go To Trial?
A wide variety of different conditions can force a personal case to go to trial. Out of all these conditions, though, the most notable and most common are as follows:
- The compensation you and your lawyer demand is quite high, forcing the insurance company to go to trial so that they can fight the claim.
- The insurance company would like to take the case to trial, as they believe the grounds for your compensation are murky, making it likely that they might win the case and refute your claims.
- The facts of your case are unclear and, as a result of this, it is unclear who was responsible for your injury or how much compensation is owed, forcing these issues to be assessed by a jury.
- The person you are seeking compensation from continues to dispute key facts regarding the injury that you sustained, even if these facts appear to be clear and definitive, and would like a jury to assess them.
- The negotiations that have taken place are not leading to a definitive outcome and are unlikely to do so, forcing a jury to make the final decisions.
Every single one of the conditions outlined above can lead to a personal injury case going to trial.
How Can You Avoid Your Personal Injury Case Going To Trial?
The best way to avoid your personal injury case going to trial is as follows: work directly with an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases.
If you work with a personal injury attorney, you will be able to outline and present the facts of your case in a manner that allows you to obtain the results you desire.
On the other hand, if you do not work with an attorney, there is a very strong chance that your case will not lead to the compensation you are seeking. This could involve going to trial, among other possibilities.
Speak With A Northern California Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you have been injured and would like to obtain compensation, you must obtain legal assistance. Speak with a Northern California personal injury attorney at Maire & Deedon today, and we will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.