Does Social Media Affect Your Personal Injury Case?

Your personal injury case can be, and often is, affected by a wide variety of different factors.  Just as you might assume, given the title of this guide, social media is one of those factors.

Going over the ways in which social media affects your personal injury case and speaking with a California personal injury lawyer will allow you to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

How Does Social Media Affect Your Personal Injury Case?

The ultimate goal of your personal injury case is to obtain what you are entitled to.

Just as an example, if you were hit by a car and injured you would have medical bills that must be taken care of as a result of that car accident. Here, your personal injury case can allow you to obtain the damages you need to pay those medical bills.

To determine the merit of your claim, insurance companies often look at your social media posts, and if they find posts that contradict certain aspects of your case, they use those posts to contest it.

On the other hand, if you don’t post anything at all, those posts cannot be used against you.

What Types Of Posts Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case?

A wide variety of posts can affect your personal injury case. Some of the most notable of these posts are as follows:

  • A post that fails to match the claim you are putting forth; if you claim that you can no longer walk properly but post a video of yourself running a marathon, then that would contradict the claim you are making.
  • A post that can easily be misunderstood, especially with regard to your personal injury case; for example, a post where you use a metaphor – “running with the wind,” as an example – could be misconstrued.
  • A post that improperly demonstrates your character; just as an example, if you make a post that gloats about the amount of money you are seeking, for your settlement, then this can be used against you.

Other types of post can affect your personal injury case. But, the above are some of the most common and, if you make like this, and it is seen by an insurance company or lawyer, then your personal injury case will be affected.

If You Have A Personal Injury Case, How Should You Use Social Media?

The best way to use social media, if you have a personal injury case, is to not use it at all.

If you can avoid using social media for the duration of your personal injury case, then you will have an easier time protecting yourself from any unforeseen incidents.

On the other hand, if you have to use social media, you can and should:

  • Ask your loved ones not to post about your case.
  • Set your profiles to “Private” or “For Friends Only.”
  • Be very careful about what you share online.

If you can do the above, then you will have a much easier time protecting yourself from any social media-related problems.

Speak With A Northern California Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you would like to obtain the compensation you need, for a personal injury case, you will need legal help. Speak with a Northern California personal injury lawyer at Maire & Deedon today and we will help you.