Can You Obtain The Wages You Lost Due To Injuries Received In A Car Accident?

To answer the question above, “Yes, you can obtain the wages you lost due to injuries received in a car accident.”

Even though the above is true, doing is never easy. You must, first and foremost, be aware of how you can do so, and then, you must speak with a California automobile accident lawyer at Maire & Deedon, who will help you obtain your lost wages.

How Can You Obtain The Wages You Lost Due To Injuries Received In A Car Accident?

A variety of actions must be taken in order for you to obtain the wages you lost due to injuries received in a car accident. And with that in mind, these actions are as follows:

  • Gather any and all medical documentation pertaining to the injuries you received in a car accident.
  • Obtain evidence that demonstrates the wages you lost.
  • Speak with an automobile accident lawyer who will help you.

Every single one of these actions will allow you to develop a case, thereby allowing you to obtain the wages you have lost in the form of damages.

Gathering The Relevant Medical Documentation

Right after a car accident, it is of the utmost importance that you seek medical attention. And, when you seek medical attention, it is of great importance that you obtain and hold onto the medical documentation you receive.

The medical documentation you obtain should serve as a clarification of the following:

  • Your injuries.
  • Your treatment.
  • Your examination.

Outside of the above, the documentation should also clarify the costs of your examinations and treatment, as well as the exact reasons why you had to miss work/lost wages with regard to your injuries.

By doing the above, you may be able to obtain further personal injury compensation for the medical treatment you were forced to obtain due to the car accident and the negligence of the driver who caused the accident.

Obtaining Evidence That Demonstrates The Wages You Have Lost

To obtain the wages you lost due to the injuries you received in a car accident, you must obtain evidence that demonstrates the wages you lost.

Some of the ways you can do this are as follows:

  • Gathering your recent pay stubs.
  • Holding onto your recent tax returns.
  • Obtaining your W-2 forms.

To obtain the exact amount of money you lost due to taking time off from work as a result of your injury, you can multiply your missing hours by your hourly rate.

Sometimes, though, obtaining the documentation above is difficult. If this is the case, then the best thing to do is to speak with your employer and obtain a letter that clarifies your lost wages.

Right within this letter, the following information should be clarified:

  • The employer you work for.
  • The amount of time you have worked for your employer.
  • The amount of time you have missed from work.
  • The amount of money you make per hour.

All of this information will be used to prove the wages you have lost, thereby making it easier for you to obtain these lost wages.

Speak With A California Automobile Accident Lawyer

After you complete the two actions outlined above, you must speak with a California automobile accident lawyer at Maire & Deedon. We will help you obtain the wages you lost due to a car accident.