Assigning Fault To A Lane-Change Collision

A lane-change collision is a serious accident that can and will lead to legal consequences.

Going over how a driver is assigned fault for a lane-change collision and contacting our California car accident injury attorney at Maire & Deedon will allow you to obtain the best possible legal outcome.

What Is A Lane-Change Collision?

A lane-change collision occurs when a driver attempts to change lanes but fails to do so properly, leading to a collision with a car, object, or individual.

Just as an example, if a driver is attempting to move to the lane on their left but hits the car that is right in front of them while doing so, then that would be a lane-change collision.

Outside of the scenario clarified above, a wide variety of other actions and situations can lead to a lane-change collision.

Some of the most notable actions and situations that can lead to a lane-change collision are as follows:

  • Changing your lane without signaling to the other drivers.
  • Speeding in order to change your lane.
  • Going past other drivers and bypassing them to enter another lane.
  • Failing to check your mirrors before moving into the lane.
  • Moving across more than one lane, all of which have drivers in motion.

Many other actions and situations can lead to a lane-change collision. But, the above are some of the most common.

A lane change, when made improperly, is illegal.

Who Is At Fault For A Lane-Change Collision?

The answer to the question outlined above is dependent on the facts of the collision.

Just as an example, if a driver engages in one of the actions or situations outlined above, then, so long as there’s evidence that demonstrates this, it is likely that they will be at fault for a lane-change collision.

On the other hand, if another driver was involved in the collision, and this driver was engaged in certain behaviors, then it is possible that they could be held at fault.

Some of the behaviors that can lead to another driver being held at fault are as follows:

  • Driving in a reckless manner.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol.
  • A failure to yield the right of way.
  • Being under the influence of drugs.
  • Driving in a distracted manner.

If a particular driver involved in the collision is found guilty of the above, then they can also be held at fault.

How Can A Driver Be Found At Fault For A Lane-Change Collision?

A variety of different types of evidence can be used to find a particular driver at fault for a lane-change collision.

Some of the most notable of these different types of evidence are as follows:

  • Testimony from the witnesses who were present.
  • Video footage from a dashcam.
  • Blood test results for drugs and alcohol.
  • Pictures from the collision.
  • Videos from the collision.
  • Text messages that were sent during the collision.
  • Camera footage from traffic cameras at the scene.

Every single one of the above can be used to find a particular driver at fault for a lane-change collision.

Speak With A Northern California Automobile Accident Attorney

If you were involved in a lane-change collision in any capacity, you need a good legal defense.

Speak with a Northern California automobile accident attorney at Maire & Deedon, and we will help you obtain the best possible legal outcome.