3 Common Damages In Personal Injury Claims
Every personal injury claim is predicated on the presence of certain damages.
Just as an example, if you were injured in a California car accident, then you can, and should, obtain damages for the injury that you received and its effect on your life.
You can obtain the damages you are entitled to by developing an effective personal injury case.
By going over three very common damages in personal injury claims and speaking with a California personal injury attorney who can help, you may have an easier time building a case that lets you obtain the damages you need.
What Is A Personal Injury Case?
A personal injury case is a legal act in which you bring a claim against a particular individual or, depending on the facts of your case, a particular entity.
You bring a personal injury claim to this person/entity, and in doing so, you have a personal injury case.
The goal of almost every personal injury case is to obtain damages for the injury that you have received. These are damages that, as per the legal codes regarding fault and negligence, among others, you are entitled to.
If your personal injury case succeeds, you get the damages you deserve. But, if it doesn’t, you may not get anything.
3 Common Damages In Personal Injury Claims
Medical Expenses
Good medical care is expensive. And, if you were in an injury of any sort, good medical care is an absolute priority.
The thing about medical expenses and personal injury law, though, is that if someone caused your injury due to their own negligence – among other factors – then that person can, and should, be responsible for your medical care.
You can file a personal injury claim and, with the help of an attorney, get the responsible person/entity to pay your medical expenses.
If you do not file a personal injury claim, then you will be responsible for the medical expenses that arise from a particular incident.
Lost Wages
Every injury is destructive in one way or another.
Out of all the destructive effects even a minor injury can lead to, one of the most significant is lost wages.
If you miss work, due to an injury that was caused by another person/entity, you can file a claim.
A personal injury claim will, if successful, allow you to obtain compensation for the wages that you normally would have been able to earn had you not been injured.
Pain And Suffering
Just about every injury brings its fair share of pain and suffering.
With that in mind, some injuries create far more pain and suffering than others.
If you were injured in a manner that has directly affected your ability to do things or live the life that you normally used to live, among many other possibilities, then you can obtain compensation for this.
Just as with the two other types of damages outlined above, the best way to obtain compensation for your pain and suffering is to work with an attorney.
Speak With A Northern California Personal Injury Attorney
If you were injured and would like to obtain damages, you must obtain legal assistance. Speak with a Northern California personal injury attorney at Maire & Deedon, and we will help you obtain the damages you are entitled to.