What Are Pain And Suffering In A California Car Accident Case?

Many car accidents lead to pain and suffering that can and should be compensated. Going over what pain and suffering constitutes and speaking with a California auto accident attorney at Maire & Deedon makes it easier to obtain the proper compensation from a car accident claim.

What Are Pain And Suffering?

The majority of California car accidents lead to injuries of one sort or another.

Sometimes, the injuries that arise from a car accident lead to significant economic damages as a result of being forced to miss time at work and/or pay off expensive medical bills.

Other injuries, though, are more subtle and complex to ascertain; they are often intangible and, as such, not considered traditional injuries or even injuries at all.

Some of the most notable of these other injuries are as follows:

  • Intense physical discomfort that arises due to a car accident.
  • Significant depression that occurs due to a car accident.
  • Difficult anxiety that arises due to a car accident.
  • A sleep disorder that occurs due to a car accident.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder that arises due to a car accident.

Sometimes, these injuries create economic damages that can and must be dealt with. And some of the economic damages that they can create are as follows:

  • Therapy bills.
  • Hours missed at work.
  • Trauma counseling.

Other times, though, these injuries do not create any direct economic damage. Instead, they simply lead to a reduced enjoyment of life and an inability to be at peace, among other equally valid afflictions and descriptors.

If these injuries are present, and if afflictions pertaining to one’s enjoyment and peace are the result of these injuries, then the individual with these injuries can make a “pain and suffering” claim.

Given all of the facts outlined above, pain and suffering are, in their simplest form, the emotional distress and physical discomfort that can arise from a car accident.

How Can Pain And Suffering Be Proven In A California Car Accident Case?

The act of proving pain and suffering in a California car accident is contingent on two acts:

  • Developing a compelling testimony that clarifies the pain and suffering that the car accident led to and that the victim of the car accident has been suffering from.
  • Going to a doctor and obtaining medical testimony validates the pain and suffering currently being experienced and, in turn, the specific conditions underlying this pain and suffering.

Regarding the first act, this testimony should include:

  • A clear description of the pain and suffering being experienced.
  • The ways in which this pain and suffering has affected the victim’s life.
  • A clear overview as to why the requested compensation is appropriate.

Regarding the second act, this testimony should include:

  • A clear overview of the symptoms that the car accident victim is experiencing.
  • A clear overview of the conditions these symptoms are rooted in.
  • A detailed overview of the ways in which these conditions have been validated.
  • The ways in which these symptoms have affected the victim’s life.

If a medical testimony includes the above, then it is likely that the pain and suffering claim will be considered valid.