How Can You Find Out If A Driver Has Car Insurance In California?

If you are involved in a car accident, obtaining the other driver’s car insurance information is of the utmost importance. By doing so, securing compensation for the accident will be much easier.

Going over how you can find out if a driver has car insurance in California and speaking with a Redding, CA, automobile accident attorney at Maire & Deedon will allow you to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

How Can You Find Out If A Driver Has Car Insurance In California?

You must obtain the other driver’s car insurance information if you want compensation for an accident you have experienced. With that in mind, you can use the methods outlined below to find out if a particular driver has car insurance and, in doing so, what their insurance information happens to be.

Speak With The Other Driver Directly

Right away, the easiest way to find out if a driver has car insurance in California is to speak with them directly. The reason for this is as follows: if an accident occurs, then every California driver must exchange information.

Given this fact, if you are in an accident, then the other driver must exchange information with you. All you must do, then, in an ideal situation, is go up and ask them for their insurance information.

Contact The Insurance Provider

Sometimes, a driver may offer some of their insurance information, such as their provider. But, they may not provide all of the information you need to make a claim for compensation.

If the above is true, and you have the name of their insurance provider, then you can contact them directly. In doing so, you may be able to obtain further details regarding what you should do to obtain compensation.

Speak With The DMV

Sometimes, neither of the routes outlined above leads anywhere. And if that happens to be the case, then you can file a financial responsibility information request with the DMC.

To file such a request, you must provide as much information as you possibly can regarding the driver and their vehicle. You must also pay a $20 fee and wait for a period that should not last more than thirty days.

Obtain The Police Report Created For The Accident

A variety of circumstances can, if present, legally force drivers to stay at the scene of an accident until law enforcement arrives. And with that in mind, these circumstances are as follows:

  • Someone has received a bodily injury.
  • A fatality has occurred.
  • There was a hit-and-run.
  • The amount of property damage caused by the accident is over $1,000.

Right after law enforcement arrives, they will speak to everyone involved in the accident and create a police report.

You can contact law enforcement and obtain this police report, which, by its very nature, will contain the other driver’s insurance information.

Speak With A Northern California Automobile Accident Attorney

If you were in a car accident, then you must obtain the other driver’s car insurance information. A failure to do so can, and will, make it more difficult for you to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

Speak with a Northern California automobile accident attorney at Maire & Deedon, and we will assist you in obtaining this information and the compensation you are entitled to.