3 Signs That Indicate You May Have A Hard Time Obtaining Compensation After A Car Accident

If you were involved in a car accident in California, and another person was responsible for both the accident and your injuries, then you are entitled to compensation.

Going over three signs that indicate obtaining compensation may be more complicated than it should be, and speaking with a California car accident attorney will allow you to receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Sign 01: The Driver Attempts To Leave The Scene

If the driver responsible for the accident attempts to leave the scene before you can obtain their information or emergency services can arrive, then it may be difficult to obtain compensation.

The above is only true, though, if you do not work with an attorney. By working with an attorney, you will have a much easier time filing a claim and, in doing so, obtaining compensation for the accident that occurred.

On top of that, if the driver did, in fact, leave the scene, then you may be able to obtain punitive damages. This is especially true if you were injured and the other driver knew that but chose to flee the scene anyway.

Sign 02: The Driver Tries To Get You To Say That You Were At Fault

If you are in a car accident and the other driver begins acting aggressively, trying to get you to say that you were at fault for the accident, it’s best to say as little as possible.

The above is especially true if you were not, in fact, at fault for the car accident. Even if you weren’t at fault, saying that you were can make it considerably more difficult to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

Rather than admitting fault to the other driver, you can remain calm and get their information. After doing so, you can obtain evidence from the scene. This will make it easier for you to obtain compensation for the accident.

Sign 03: The Driver Refuses To Give You Their Insurance Information

If you are in a car accident, then you, and the other driver, must exchange insurance information. This isn’t just a common courtesy: it is the law and, as such, a failure to comply with this law can lead to penalties.

A driver who refuses to give you their insurance information may not have any insurance. And if this is the case, then they are breaking the law while also making it more difficult for you to obtain the compensation you deserve.

To obtain compensation from a driver with no insurance, you must work with an experienced automobile accident attorney. Doing so will make it a lot easier for you to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

Speak With A Northern California Automobile Accident Attorney Today

If you were involved in a car accident, and another person was at fault, then you should obtain compensation. Speak with a Northern California automobile accident attorney at Maire & Deedon today, and we will help you determine what you are entitled to.