The 3 Things You Must Do After A Boating Accident In California

A boating accident can lead to very serious injuries. By going over three of the things you must do after a boating accident in California and speaking with a Redding, CA, personal injury attorney, you can obtain compensation for your injuries.

What Is A Boating Accident?

A boating accident is a situation in which a boat has a fire onboard, capsizes, or collides with an obstruction or, alternatively, another boat.

Just as an example, if you are on your boat and another boat collides with yours, this would be considered a boating accident.

You can obtain compensation for a boating accident. But, the act of doing so is dependent on a number of different factors, such as the type of accident you experienced, your documentation of the accident, and your attorney.

What Are 3 Things You Must Do After A Boating Accident In California?

01: Document The Scene Of The Boating Accident

You must document the scene of the boating accident. And, in order for you to document the scene of the boating accident, you must:

  • Take pictures of the scene.
  • Take videos of the scene.
  • Speak with witnesses.
  • Gather their information.
  • Write notes regarding the scene.

Outside of the above, you must speak with a doctor as soon as possible. A doctor will go over your injuries and produce medical documentation that you can use to further your personal injury case.

02: File A Report With The DBW

If you are in a boating accident, it is of the utmost importance that you file a report with the California Division of Boating and Waterways as soon as possible.

Or, more specifically, it is very important that you do so as long as one of the following conditions is true:

  • You, or another passenger, suffered significant injuries.
  • A passenger died as a result of the boating accident.
  • The boating accident caused economic damage worth or greater than $500.
  • The boating accident led to the vessel being lost/destroyed.

If the above is true, then you must file a report with the California DBW. And, when you file this report, you can use it to build an effective personal injury case, allowing you to obtain the damages you are entitled to.

03: Speak With An Attorney

You must speak with an attorney who can help you.

A good attorney will go over your case, look at your documentation, while assessing the facts of your case.

By doing the above, your attorney can and will develop a personal injury case.

A personal injury case will allow you to obtain damages for the injuries you suffered as well as, depending on the facts of your case, compensation for the damage to your boat.

If you do not speak with an attorney, obtaining the compensation you are entitled to will be much more difficult.

Speak With A Northern California Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you have been injured in a boating accident, it is of the utmost importance that you obtain legal help. Speak with a Northern California personal injury attorney at Maire & Deedon today, and we will help you obtain the compensation you need.